Sunday, January 31, 2016


Their is an unsaid expectation when you sign up for creative writing. 

You words have to be so poetically romanticized that you make your readers just sit and stare at your blog trying to figure out how you put into words the very thing that has been on their mind. I think it's terrifying to find that bond that connects the readers and the blogger. I hope to find it. 

That expectation is to then be met, in this first post, and then every word that you type after that has to be carefully thought of so that when people read your blog it connects into something much bigger than just one word. It's like how one star is beautiful, but put many stars together and it creates a constellation that every time you look at it, you find new meaning.  

If you are hoping for that kind of blog from me, Olivia Bea (that rhymed, poetry is that easy) that is just not the case. My blog will include the experiences, good and bad, that make me who I am. After all, don't experiences teach us the most? 

You will probably see a lot of my thoughts of my experiences that surround me. These thoughts are suppose to be taken with a grain of salt because after all, they are just my opinion.  
That is why all blog are so different, because the things that happen to people shape us into who we are, it's really a beautiful concept.

I am very sarcastic (aren't we all?) but you will probably see a lot of that in my posts. (Unless the blog turns into a place where all I write is why I'm sad which I hope it doesn't but hey, I'm a teenage girl.) 
You can also expect a lot of my thoughts written in parentheses. (It's mostly where my sarcastic comments go and if you were to remove the things I write in these parentheses, my blog would be a lot different.) 

An American in Paris has been one of my favorite movies for a long time. It shows exactly the artistry that Paris is made up of. To be honest, that movie has gone beyond the idea of just influencing me. 

Go watch that movie. The music, clothes, dancing, singing, etc. is what I am made up of. I could give you my pet peeves, my dislikes, my likes, my ambitions, my heartbreaks, and my accomplishments, but I just haven't figured out how to put myself into words yet.

 So go watch the movie, or at least clips of it.  The art the flows from that movie, flows through me and takes me to Paris where I can write whatever.

I don't expect to be the best creative writing blogger.

I am expect to be me.



  1. Expect nothing from no one but that doesn't mean that you can't chase shooting stars.

  2. Sarcasm is refreshing and I'm glad you'll be including it. Excited to follow this blog.

  3. I like how real you are, that is what will make your blog great.

  4. some people want to be grace kelly, others want to be gene kelly.

  5. I honestly love this. your blog is simple, in the best of ways, and simply amazing!!!

  6. ''I am expect to be me.''

    yay for olivia bea!!!

  7. I live off sarcasm and I loved this
