Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just the beginning

In all the years, continents, countries, states, schools and classes
We were born in this one place and this specific time 

Lone Peak High School class of 2016

And the laughs, tears, anger, terrible days, the best days so far, and so forth has happened throughout this school

And I know that it was no coincidence that we are in this moment right now and the stories

that have happened to us are all here to make us one of a kind. 

High school didn't make is robots 
They taught us things that hasn't happened to anyone else 
And taught us what makes us individually happy 

And so far I am excited to share with the world who I am and what Lone Peak has taught me
And my friends
And teachers
And family 

So although it wasn't easy, my hat is off to you high school
For teaching me who I am
And who I am not 
And who I will become (I can't wait!) 


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

My heart

You broke my heart 
And I didn't even realized that I had given it to you.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Asking and dogs

Let me preface this story with one thing
To the point where I avoid houses that have dogs all together. 
(But I am somehow suppose to go on a mission? Ha)
I have been chased, jumped on, etc. by dogs and I'm pretty sure they're all out to get me. 
Also I had a really bad experience that triggered my fear.
But that is not the story I am telling today. 
Today I am going to tell you the story of bring a good sister.

I use to always help my oldest brother ask to dances. I was simply the best at the job (or I was at the time)
So homecoming rolls around and it time to help again. We get everything ready to go and set out on what was to become a terrible experience for all involved (especially me). 

We drive by the house and plot out where he is going to park and where I will run. I make sure that they're are no dogs around and get out of the car with the stuff to ask.
 I put it nicely on the door, ring the doorbell a few times and RUN to where my brother was parked in just a cul-de-sac right below where this girl lived. 

Well on my little jog, as you can guess, a dog appears from nowhere. 
No this is not just a little dog. This is practically a bear. And he just starts barking/growling/about to kill me sounds that made me terrified in every type of way. 

So what do I do?

Well the dog wouldn't let me pass him and my brother is just down the street so I start yelling,
What seems like a lifetime between my screams and the dog's barking, my brother came thinking I might have gone the wrong way. When he saw me he pulled over I ran in and was so happy to be inside his car I think I cried even more. 

As my brother saw the dog he puts two and two together and realizes that, that didn't go well for anyone. 

Well this story has a happy ending because the girl he had asked, heard me screaming my brother's name and didn't have go to all the work to figure out who it was!! Score! (My brother still doesn't think of it in that way and I still get made fun of by my family with this story).

I essentially did 2 people a favor that day while risking my own life. It is something I will never forget.

The end  

Sunday, April 10, 2016


I'm Cassandra 
Yep I just said who I was right off the bat because we all know that we just look to the end of this reveal post on everyone's page and see who it is and then say NO WAY.

But here it is my "reveal".

I'm terrified of dogs
I am the only girl in my family (and I love it)
I am very political
And very opiniated 
And my Mom says that I intimidate boys too much 
But I like being me

Also I have done musical theatre my whole life and love it sooo much 
But I have hid my love for it for a long time because people made fun of it, even though I have continued to do it
But I don't care anymore 
Because I'm looking for people to go to the theater with

I love old movies 
High society, an American in Paris, singing in the rain, an affair to remember, etc. 

I also love chocolate dipped strawberries 
And I giggle way too much 

I am a introvert and after a long hard week it is hard for me to go out on Fridays 
And I don't hang out consistently with people because I will have a performance or I am so tired and that is probably why I don't get asked to school dance 
Or I really am just intimidating lol 

I am so excited to go to college and move on 
I am sick on getting ready for school each day 
Because I do care
But I don't 
And senioritis is the worst 

Anyways I'm getting off topic 

So what I'm trying to say is hi lone peak 
I'm Cassandra 


Sunday, March 27, 2016


I don't really know where I am going with this post but it's been on my mind everyday and so I am going to see if I can talk about it. 
 Why is this so important to write about to me? (well I am going to give you my opinion lol). 

Our whole world is made up of opinions. The opinion of the best religion, political belief, brand of cereal, etc. All of our opinions varies person to person and one opinion might make us win a situation that others would lose and vise Vera.

I guess what I am trying to say is that our opinions make us who we are and they make us contradict others and sometimes ourselves and they make us happy and sad and they make us angry and hate ourselves and others
 and opinions are a mess. 

And I'm trying to figure our how different opinions are tearing not only our country, but world apart. I know we need to all look at things differently but our opinions are flawed and opinions can be very dangerous. 

But they are also one of the most powerful things and they turn simple human beings into people that change the world. 

And I think that we need to talk about opinions and facts more often not to change what everyone thinks into one thesis but to make sure people have research 100% of a subject and then make a opinion based on that.

Because I fear if people keep making opinions without proper research, then our world will become a place that in contradictory of itself. 

I really don't know if this makes sense and this is a very rough draft but I think it is a place to start and that we need to talk about. 

If you have any further opinions (see what I did there) on anything or on adding to this post I would love to hear. 

Also I sound like a total nerd in this post. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Little by little

And little by little you broke my heart.
It didn't happen overnight. 
Which is the worst way to break the bond because
 every day I saw you
You saw less of me.

And that is all I was ever afraid of.