Sunday, April 17, 2016

Asking and dogs

Let me preface this story with one thing
To the point where I avoid houses that have dogs all together. 
(But I am somehow suppose to go on a mission? Ha)
I have been chased, jumped on, etc. by dogs and I'm pretty sure they're all out to get me. 
Also I had a really bad experience that triggered my fear.
But that is not the story I am telling today. 
Today I am going to tell you the story of bring a good sister.

I use to always help my oldest brother ask to dances. I was simply the best at the job (or I was at the time)
So homecoming rolls around and it time to help again. We get everything ready to go and set out on what was to become a terrible experience for all involved (especially me). 

We drive by the house and plot out where he is going to park and where I will run. I make sure that they're are no dogs around and get out of the car with the stuff to ask.
 I put it nicely on the door, ring the doorbell a few times and RUN to where my brother was parked in just a cul-de-sac right below where this girl lived. 

Well on my little jog, as you can guess, a dog appears from nowhere. 
No this is not just a little dog. This is practically a bear. And he just starts barking/growling/about to kill me sounds that made me terrified in every type of way. 

So what do I do?

Well the dog wouldn't let me pass him and my brother is just down the street so I start yelling,
What seems like a lifetime between my screams and the dog's barking, my brother came thinking I might have gone the wrong way. When he saw me he pulled over I ran in and was so happy to be inside his car I think I cried even more. 

As my brother saw the dog he puts two and two together and realizes that, that didn't go well for anyone. 

Well this story has a happy ending because the girl he had asked, heard me screaming my brother's name and didn't have go to all the work to figure out who it was!! Score! (My brother still doesn't think of it in that way and I still get made fun of by my family with this story).

I essentially did 2 people a favor that day while risking my own life. It is something I will never forget.

The end  

1 comment:

  1. I had to answer a girl who had the loudest and most obnoxious dog. At the same time though it wasn't that bad because her dad was more intimidating haha
