Sunday, March 27, 2016


I don't really know where I am going with this post but it's been on my mind everyday and so I am going to see if I can talk about it. 
 Why is this so important to write about to me? (well I am going to give you my opinion lol). 

Our whole world is made up of opinions. The opinion of the best religion, political belief, brand of cereal, etc. All of our opinions varies person to person and one opinion might make us win a situation that others would lose and vise Vera.

I guess what I am trying to say is that our opinions make us who we are and they make us contradict others and sometimes ourselves and they make us happy and sad and they make us angry and hate ourselves and others
 and opinions are a mess. 

And I'm trying to figure our how different opinions are tearing not only our country, but world apart. I know we need to all look at things differently but our opinions are flawed and opinions can be very dangerous. 

But they are also one of the most powerful things and they turn simple human beings into people that change the world. 

And I think that we need to talk about opinions and facts more often not to change what everyone thinks into one thesis but to make sure people have research 100% of a subject and then make a opinion based on that.

Because I fear if people keep making opinions without proper research, then our world will become a place that in contradictory of itself. 

I really don't know if this makes sense and this is a very rough draft but I think it is a place to start and that we need to talk about. 

If you have any further opinions (see what I did there) on anything or on adding to this post I would love to hear. 

Also I sound like a total nerd in this post. 


  1. Woah. I've never really thought about this but now that I'm thinking about it I feel kind of overwhelmed because there are approximately 7 billion people on this earth and if it weren't for opinions we would all be the same. What makes us unique and different from anybody around us is our opinions and it's amazing to think that there is no person, there has never been a person, and there never will be a person, who thinks exactly like you because of the infinite opinions you posses.

  2. I think it's fascinating that everyone has their own take on things. Opinions come with perspective, and everyone has had different experiences and moments that mold and adjust their opinions.... It's too cool! You should write more about this

  3. agreed. opinions are like the rudimentary attribute of every person that has ever walked the earth. it's quite amazing how everyone's opinions somehow form the world today and how practically everything relies on comparisons. like take colors for example.. you can't describe a color without comparing it to something else... haha on a related note this post is tremendous well done
