Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Coma

I wonder what happen if I was in a coma. 

Who would come visit me, would the word spread all over school, what would teachers think, what would my friends think, what would that boy think that I have been trying to get over for who knows how long? I'm not say that people aren't good people and would be like thank goodness she is gone for a bit I've been needing a break!(which if you feel that way then whatevs). Anyways, I really want to know what people would think. Would they think about it for a second or would some people (excluding my mom) lose sleep over it (not that anyone ever would) but what if my friend and I got in a fight the day before and they didn't know if we could ever make up. I'm not trying to offend anyone by this post and say we are concerned for others or looking for pity I'm just wondering if anyone would have regrets with any of our daily occurances with each other. I wonder if people would come visit me or if people would post a picture of us on Twitter with a hashtag that said #prayforoliviabea 

I also wonder what would be my first thoughts. Of course my family and getting back into reality but what about an hour later. Would I be thinking about my friend who I got into a fight with or that boy that I can't stop thinking about or who had posted about me? I wonder if my perspective would change and I hope that I wouldn't be so shallow to worry on who posted about me. 

But you really don't have to go through that to have a fresh perspective. You wake up everyday and maybe you had a fight the day before and a boy you don't know of was thinking about you and maybe it was your birthday and 3 people posted about you. Those post don't matter, you can make up with your friend, and you can finally take a risk and tell that boy. 
You don't need to wait any longer to start fresh. 


  1. "You don't need to wait any longer to start fresh." i feel like a creepy stocker, stocking your old posts and stuff but I think about this all the time. I just wonder who would even care.

    1. Thank you for commenting! I thought about what you said for a long time and this is my opinion. Starting fresh is not about if others care or notice. It's about YOU noticing that you want change for yourself and caring to change that no matter if others see that and appreciate it. Starting fresh is healing for only you. I also LOVE your blog and it means so much that you commented.

  2. ^^^ got your second stalker right here! i love love love "you don't need to wait any longer to start fresh" that line spoke to me. Beautiful blog. Beautiful writing.
