Sunday, February 14, 2016

City Love

I've never been in love with a person before, but I have been in love with a city. I think that even though love is different for everyone, the concept is universal so I hope to explain love through my city today.

New York City

I know that might sounds cliche to be in love with that city but their is just something about it that makes me giddy. Some days I'll see something, or hear a song that I listened to there that just sends waves of joy to me and it feels like my heart could burst. 

New York City feels like home. I remember that very distinctly after the first time I went, "home" just didn't feel the same.

 I don't love everything about NYC I'll be honest. But the overall feeling I get when I'm there is so much better than the few details that I don't love. 

You find something new every time you go to the city. It's incredible and you find store that are your favorite and you spend a lot of time there. Their are so many parts to New York that bring out different sides to you and you can just be yourself and you feel safe. I have so many dreams in New York and the city gives me the energy to reach them.

 I hope that their is some similarities with my city love and being in love with a person. I may be way off target but I hope to find out soon enough. 


  1. This is so good. If you replace New York City with a person, this is actually a very accurate way to describe being in love.

  2. i clicked on this cause i liked the title. but i liked the post even more

  3. I've never been, but this post makes me really want to go now
